Navi Swiss Focus Image Women Red Dress Client RGB 2Navi Swiss Focus Image Women Red Dress Client RGB 2Navi Swiss Focus Image Women Red Dress Client RGB 2

17. April 2023

Naviswiss: Branding fit for the USA

A minimal invasive refresher with effect overseas

Surgical precision meets innovative simplicity. The Swiss navigation solution navigates orthopedic surgeons to precise results in hip operations and is smart and handy at the same time. We have been accompanying Naviswiss and their innovative surgical navigation system for several years with a focus on European regions - and are now navigating to America.

The product miniaturizes and simplifies orthopedic procedures and enables optimal planning and execution of operations, making it attractive to physicians - including those in the Americas. So as coordinates are increasingly focused on the U.S. market, we prepare the brand for its convincing overseas appearance.

The new design comes from F/E hand and makes a strong statement to the outside world. Clear lines, strong colors and an energetic imagery underline the precision, innovative power and cleverness of the brand and the product. The new website focuses on the central statements, guides the user clearly through important points and navigates him reliably to his destination.


Come on the journey overseas!