
09. November 2023

Where people and their stories are at home

A redesign that brings a smile.

Zion Senior Center shines in a new light, demonstrating the transformative power of thoughtful redesign.

As Zion Senior Center in Duebendorf transitions into an independent entity with new leadership, it creates space and opportunity for a new direction. In this process, we not only assessed the center's values and goals, but also developed a design based on them, ensuring a fresh and cohesive presentation.


Why redesign a senior center?

A modern and professional appearance is very important to seniors and their families when choosing a center. This is especially relevant for younger generations who are more attracted to contemporary styles. A modern look is appealing and shows that the center is up-to-date. A consistent corporate design avoids an unprofessional look that may reduce credibility. This new design will make people recognize and trust Zion Senior Center more. It will motivate staff and help people identify with the center. The process starts with a new logo, showing two people holding hands and merging into a smile.

The new design represents better what Zion Senior Center stands for: appreciation, care, perception, and collaboration. "Through our rebranding, we aim to frequently emphasize the worth of our residents and staff."

Patrick Peter, CEO

Room for personal stories

The senior center stands out with its unique features amidst growing competition: a welcoming atmosphere full of appreciation, where everyone finds a dignified home for their twilight years and their own personal story. We capture some of these stories and introduce the residents behind them. They are at the heart of the new identity, their faces recurring amidst a warm color palette and well-organized, modern information.