01. October 2021

Baden dives in
and goes up

About the development of a tourism brand


Baden is unique. What we locals have known for a long time, we now want our guests to know too. The Baden Tourism Organisation was founded specifically for the purpose of positioning and profiling Baden as a lively city of culture and spas. Together we have developed an independent brand for the up-and-coming city and are starting the next chapter of this multi-layered tourism destination with a special engagement campaign.

Baden is our home and brand development is our comfort zone. Naturally, we were immediately on fire for the city's reawakening as a tourism destination. " Dive into the city of culture and baths" emerged as a slogan that applies in so many ways and accompanied us through the entire branding process. The young brand is now getting started and is ready to dive into the experiences of Baden with its guests and to grow continuously.

Badentourismus Logo RGB

The wave, derived from the logo, means more than water as a design element. It represents a feeling, a vibe that is charged with emotion and thus also reflects the culture. Because that's the goal: tourism branding that inspires a desire for discovery and adventure. On the one hand, the wave serves the logo as a brand stage. At the same time, it sets accents with surprising color combinations in subtle gradients and can be integrated completely or free-standing into a visual.

The use of the logo and the wave is deliberately kept variable, so that we can respond to all kinds of digital and analog applications and the brand remains interesting in the long term. The result is strong visual elements that can always be pushed further in creative and surprising directions.

The wave, derived from the logo, means more than water as a design element. It represents a feeling, a vibe that is charged with emotion and thus also reflects the culture. Because that is the goal: tourist branding that awakens a desire for discovery and adventure. On the one hand, the wave serves the logo as a brand stage. At the same time, it sets accents with surprising colour combinations in subtle gradients and can be integrated completely or free-standing into a visual.

The use of the logo and the wave is deliberately kept variable so that we can respond to all kinds of digital and analogue applications and the brand remains interesting in the long term.  The result is strong visual elements that can always be pushed further in creative and surprising directions.

Badentourismus Welle RGB Dunkelblau Ausschnitt

Population as concierge

The tourism brand is now starting its first appearance. Even before the larger launch campaign around the opening of the new FORTYSEVEN spa in late autumn, we are launching an awareness campaign in and around Baden at the end of September. With the message "Baden is ready - are you?" we are raising awareness among the people of Baden about their tourist destination and inviting them to become insiders

Linkedin Post Baden V1 LEM2

Here we go! We are delighted to be able to work closely with the Baden Tourism Organisation and are already looking forward to the many experiences that we will be able to convey with the new branding.

Mood pictures: Tourismusorganisation Baden / Photographer: Phil Wenger