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11. March 2024

Jonas Wittwer is the new Head of Strategy & Communication

For top performance in sport and strategy

The F/Emily is delighted to welcome Jonas Wittwer to our team as Head of Strategy & Communication. The former Senior PR Consultant at GRIP and former Head of Group Communication at Mammut will be joining us in beautiful Baden on March 1.


"I'm delighted to be playing for my home team after returning to the agency side," says the Aargau-based communications consultant and former floorball cup winner about his move. "I'm excited about the task of supporting a wide range of clients with their different goals and needs, providing strategic advice and developing inspiring stories." As Head of Strategy & Communication, Jonas will not only be responsible for the further development of our clients, but also of the agency and will take on overarching communication tasks. In addition to strategy development, this also includes corporate communications and the ongoing development of our product catalog.

With Jonas Wittwer, a professionally and athletically successful and well-trained professional is joining us, who will put us and our customers in an even higher league in terms of overall strategy - and we can hardly wait to start team play with this communicative topshot. He is no stranger to some of us: Christoph, for example, has repeatedly worked with Jonas on various projects over the past few years and has particularly appreciated his strategic and communicative flair. We are looking forward to the impetus that Jonas will bring to the table and are looking forward to moving our customers forward together.


About Jonas

Jonas Wittwer began his communications career in 2016 as a communications consultant in a PR agency in Zollikon ZH and moved to Swiss sporting goods manufacturer Mammut in 2019 after a stopover at Siemens. After just a short time, he was promoted to Group Communications Manager in 2020 and took on global responsibility for internal and external communications as Head Of Corporate Communication in the same year. After three years - most recently as a member of the extended Executive Board - Wittwer moved to Zurich-based communications agency GRIP in 2023 as Senior PR Consultant, where he looked after clients from the technology, finance and lifestyle sectors. He was also a top athlete and spent more than ten years as a floorball goalkeeper in the top Swiss league for the top clubs GC and Alligator Malans as well as in the Swiss national team. His sporting highlights include finishing runner-up in the 2011/12 championship and winning the 2013/14 cup with GC, winning silver at the 2015 World Championships with the national student team and winning the 2021 Supercup with Alligator Malans.

FE Jonas Wittwer