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01. December 2023

An advent calendar with more to discover.

We unpack the encouraging stories of the year.

In a year characterized by challenges, we are highlighting the positive stories with our Advent Calendar. Every day, a new door will show that even in turbulent times, humanity prevails. Be inspired and share with us the joy of the small miracles and great achievements that unite us and make us move forward.


Some might think that times are really bad right now. An endless litany of negative news adorns our newspapers and magazines. The slavering desire for bold headlines that conjure up catastrophes that aren't catastrophes at all is pushing the real dramas of this world out of the limelight. Not only that, it also silences all the good news. Yet good news do exist. Even more than you might think.


Pick up the crumpled notes

The good news are lying somewhere like discarded, crumpled papers in the ditch. This Advent, we will pick up these crumpled pieces of paper, collect them, unfold them and make them big. Every day of Advent, we will unwrap a story and open an encouraging door in our Advent Calendar. It will delight you, surprise you, comfort you and make you smile. Advent is about joy and hope.


We look forward to discover 24 positive stories with you and to become more confident and content the closer we get to Christmas.

Have a wonderful Advent. Enjoy the unwrapping.



Tag 01 2023 Weihnachtskalender Newsletter