05. October 2022

Let's celebrate!
F/E is 10.

A journey to F/Emily event and everyone is joining the conversation.

Let's celebrate. That was our simple wish for the tenth anniversary of F/E. In a small family circle, just nice, a little bit of music, a fire, some snacks, nothing fancy, you know. But you probably also know that it got a little bit bigger, because F/Emily has also grown in these 10 years. And that's all thanks to the world's best family members who joined us in forming a celebration committee of the highest order. Democratic, creative and with enough room for individual reasons for celebration. And that's how it came out:

Phase 1

Speak up.

So we were looking forward to a celebration. A family celebration. With our customers and partners as important members of F/Emily right in the middle. And since everybody talks at a family party without being asked anyway, we simply made it official, and so the motto was: let's celebrate - talk to us. As soon as the invitation arrived, we found ourselves on the festival committee.


On the way to the anniversary party, we got a lot of input via the personalized invitation pages. Everyone unpacked their original ideas, expressed their wishes and shared personal reasons for celebration. We had a lot of input to process and there was already a month of excitement and anticipation among us and our guests.

Phase 2

Voting is open!

The opinions represented are as diverse as a family. And of course we asked for them democratically. All the uncles and grandpas, neighbors and godparents, cousins and party crashers, brothers-in-law and plus ones got involved on the event landing page and Instagram when it came to decisions on design, music, desserts and the supporting program. The votes were sometimes close sometimes clear, but finally the results were in:


Votes from design to food


Votes for a democratic F/Emily event

Phase 3

...the evening has started.

In THE HALL awaited a location equipped with the finest and decorated with attention to detail in the form of a loft flooded with light from both sides. The evening sun surrounded everything in golden light and made the arrivals shine even more glamorously. While one of the hosts opened the party on the Center Stage, the second welcomed the guests via the large screens live from the company's own field yard - outside by the fire, in a manageable setting, just like in the old days. Also F/E style.


The blazing fire accompanied us on the screens through the evening. It was full of highlights, but also culinary, musical, programmed and fun-technically one thing followed the other.

Phase 4

Your wish is reason for celebration

We had only one wish for our 10th anniversary celebration: A lot of F/Emily members who toasted with us to partnership and friendship. Because it's not about us, it's about everyone. Every wish, no matter how small, is a big concern for us and everything the guests celebrate is also a reason for us to do it. That's why we've fulfilled as many of our guests' wishes as possible, from fondüe to declarations of love, live on the night.

Here is the best-of the fulfilled wishes from the pre-communication:

«A real fire» - Toni and Michael

«A candy bar» - Tabita and Nadine

«A Swiss Fondue» - Peter from Freiburg im Breisgau

«Jenny and Jasmin should come» - Angela

«A Laser Show» - Robert

«Gin bar and a work dispensation» - Rahel

«Döme do the chicken dance» - Nathan

«Paddy should sing» - Jael

«A photo booth» - Matthias and Reto

«I wish my wife here» – Tobi

Phase 5

Sweet memories

Wow. Many impressions. Many great moments. New friendships, old acquaintances, proven togetherness. Eaten too much, drank just enough, danced a little, laughed a lot. We had it all.

And we have proofs. In our interactive Gallery.

And above all else: We like you guys a lot. And that's why not only our guests got a good night box, but also all the sad people who stayed at home.

F/E is 10. Thank you. For everything.
